What’s in a name?


The other day I took Elijah to get his haircut. There was only one person there working, and we had about 3 people in front of us. In total we waited about an hour and fifteen minutes, which was the longest I had ever waited. If his hair wasn’t totally out of control and that wasn’t the only day we could do it, I would have left. But look how handsome he looks now:

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Always a silly grin…

So anyways while we were waiting, a mother and her son came in. For the first 20 minutes or so, they were quiet, much like everyone else there. And then the waiting got to them I guess. At first they were talking in hushed tones. Then they got louder. First the kid was talking and making all sorts of weird statements, that I wish I could remember. Basically I’m lucky to remember what I had for dinner last night, and this portion of their conversation was not the part that stuck with me. First she told him to just stop talking to her….

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