Corn Dog Muffins


I have quite possibly the world’s pickiest eater as a son. I am always looking for new recipes that he will like because I’m tired of the same things all the time for dinner. I saw this recipe on Recipes Happen and knew I had to make it, because I knew he would LOVE it. Honey Cornbread and hot dogs; what could possibly be wrong with this combination, right? Elijah LOVES corn dogs so I knew this would be a big hit. The original recipe for the cornbread can be found here, at Money Saving Mom. So here’s what you’ll need:

Honey Cornbread/Corn Dog Muffins

  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 1/3 cups milk
  • 2 1/3 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup corn meal
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Several hot dogs, sliced

Mix sugar and butter until creamy. Add eggs, honey and milk and mix well.

Mix together flour, baking powder, corn meal and salt. Mix wet with dry without over-mixing. Batter will be lumpy.

Spray non-cooking spray into muffin tins. I put a scoop of batter in

several pieces of sliced hot dogs

and then another small scoop of batter on top.

Cook for 12-15 minutes at 400 F.

Elijah didn’t like them. I can’t say that I was totally surprised, since he only likes about 12 things, but I kinda was- it’s just a variation of a corn dog. (Next time I think I may add more hot dog- that may have been part of the problem with Elijah). In any case- the adults (and my awesome nephew, God love him) loved them. Loved. I made a batch of the corn dog muffins, and a batch of plain honey corn bread to go along with the chili I made. The plain cornbread muffins were perfect with the chili, and had just the right amount of sweet from the honey. I will definitely be making these again- both with and without the hot dogs.

12 thoughts on “Corn Dog Muffins

      • you are most welcome! thank you for your nice comments too! If you do make the banana choc-chip muffins let me know if you liked how they turned out!


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